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Overseas Real Estate Blog. News and Comment

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Boa Vista, Cape Verde Viewing Trip, £395

This Easter is turning out as forecast - wind, rain and snow making it feel very cold. So its not surpriing there has been a big response to the jet2let offer of £395 tour to Boa Vista island departing London Gatwick at 10:30 25th April and return 27th about 7:00pm. Includes virtually everything flight hotel on island transport and meals.

This is a specially chartered Boeing 757 flight direct to Boa Vista island and I know will be a lot of fun. The developer has absolutely assured us there will be no sales pressure which keeps in with my own view that the location and property should sell itself. I know everyone going (currently 160 people) will be thrilled when they see the island. Sal Rei the main town has real charm and the beaches are the best out of all the islands. Six star Palm View Resort is what the trip is showcasing and this is probably the best deal we have seen. 10% off right now (€63,000 for studio) plus a 3 year 5% guaranteed rental.

The picture on top of this blog is the actual beach, so location is excellent and its on the west side of the island which is much better than east as the wind comes from the east!

So we are looking forward to some people getting away from UK gloom and getting their reaction to Boa Vista island. If anyone wants to get first hand information on the island from us and cant travel then then do contact me. Unlike many property agents we always visit the sites of the properties we promote and often we can find more suitable property once we know what clients really want.

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